Wednesday 4 January 2017

recipe: oat waffles

 A recent conversation with one of my bff's drove me to share our not so secret healthy recipe for waffles. If you are serving this to people that are "anti-healthy eating" just don't tell them it's healthy or flourless. They will enjoy it all the same. 

We foodies are in a constant battle with filling our hearts (tummies) with yummy goodness or exhibiting the type of determination and health consciousness to "eat healthy" or diet.
Any fatty or foodie knows that the biggest problem with most diets is that if you are not satisfied or full after a meal- it will probably result in a) quitting the diet or b) cheating on the diet.
With that in mind, Daddy B has been searching for good wholesome recipes that will not only be tasty, but fill us up guilt free.
One of his favorite websites is

And their gluten free waffles is a perfect recipe that is tasty, flourless and a great filler.

We usually triple the recipe. 
We live in Belize, so instead of using maple syrup we used honey. 
Since we are trying to make the recipe as healthy as possible we use a lot less butter and honey than the recipe calls for. 
We use soy or light milk and sometimes add more milk than the recipe calls for to get a smoother softer batter.
The batter can be stored in the refrigerator- once you are ready to use, you might just need to add a bit more milk. 
You can eliminate the honey all together and just add ripe bananas for the best banana waffles you have ever tasted. 

If you try this recipe please comment and let us know what you think...

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